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Endüstriyel Fabrika

Transition to Green Energy

We provide advanced LNG-to-Power solutions, combining reliable and efficient energy production with a focus on sustainability. By utilizing LNG as a cleaner alternative and enabling future integration with green fuels like hydrogen, we support the global transition to a carbon-neutral energy landscape.

LNG Conversition

We provide leading solutions for LNG, from small-scale truck-mounted to large-scale regasification systems, together with auxiliary requirements like heaters, pressure let-down skids, compressors, etc.


Marine Works

We provide engineering and consultancy services for offshore mooring, maneuvering works regarding STS operations of FSRU’s and powerplants.

System Integration

We offer professional consultancy services to ensure the robustness of the system design of GasFired Power Plants and ensure maximum integrity and reliability.


Full Fledged Project Development

We offer consultancy and engineering services for developing a project from the initial phase until commercial operations are achieved.

Site Supervision

We provide the required expertise on-site to supervise site works and ensure the construction and implementation phases are successful.

Mühendisler Grubu
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